Rand McNally HD100 E-log Device

NOTE: DriverLogBooks is NOT recommending the HD100. There has been and still are too many problems with them.
No more manual logging. The Rand McNally HD100 track duty status time and simplify the hours of services (HOS) compliance and complies w/ FMCSA vehicle inspection report (VIR).
- HOS Alerts & Warnings for Drivers
- Online Access History Logs via Web Portal
- Compliant w/FMCSA Hours of Service Rules
- Complete DVIRs and Trip Sheets
- Automated Hours of Service: Reduce paperwork and save time
Other Features of Rand McNally HD100
- Calculation of complexities like the new 34-hour reset, required rest breaks, and the 60/70 hour rule
- Compliant w/FMCSA Hours of Service Rules
- Compliant w/FMCSA Vehicle Inspection Reporting
- Access the Rand McNally Connect web portal to view log history
Highly Recommended
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