2 in 1 Bus Driver's Daily Log/DVIR 10329/109-L

Carbonless Book Format 2-Ply with DVIR

Created Especially for Bus Fleets


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The Carbonless 2 in 1 Bus Driver's Daily Log/DVIR 109-L is a Book Format 2-Ply with a Detailed DVIR log book. It features a log with a 70 hour/8 day and 60 hour/7 day recap, plus a detailed DVIR which is perforated for easy removal from the log. 

It also includes a monthly summary sheet and summary of DOT's driver's record of duty status regulations.


  • Carbonless
  • with Detailed DVIR
  • with Recap
  • 2-Ply
  • Book Format
  • Overall Size: 8 1/2"W x 11"L detached


Useful features:

  • 70 hours/8 day and 60 hours/7 day Recap

Pricing and Ordering - Stock

12-99100-199200-299300-499500-9991,000 or moreFor more price infoQuantityOrder Now!
$ 8.02 each$ 6.95 each$ 6.66 each$ 5.98 each$ 5.08 each$ 4.20 eachContact Us

Pricing and Ordering - Personalized (Custom Imprinted)

150-299300-499500-9991,500-2,4992,500-4,9995,000 or moreFor more price infoQuantityOrder Now!
$ 11.88 each$ 7.61 each$ 5.85 each$ 4.57 each$ 3.59 each$ 3.14 eachContact Us


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